For Kids
Plastic Pollution

Plastic Fisherman

  • Main problem:
    Plastic pollution
  • Subproblem:
    Polluted beaches
  • Consequence:
    Education & Environmental Awareness, Environmental pollution
  • Solution:
    Beach cleanup and education

Welcome to the Plastic Fisherman family!

It is an honor to have you join our movement to fight for our ocean’s health. Marine plastic pollution has been a cause for concern for the last decades, and now, more than ever, education and immediate action is needed to mitigate its impact. As a teacher, your role is essential to inform and inspire your students so they can grow to become better citizens and more conscious human beings.

WHAT WE DO Plastic Fisherman is a movement to get more people to pay attention to the health of our seas through community outreach and creativity.

OUR MISSION To educate people about the dangers of marine plastic pollution and inspire them to take action.

HOW WE DO IT We turn beach cleanups into a playful activity called plastic fishing, and invite people to become plastic fishermen and women themselves.

READY? Now that you’ve learned a bit about Plastic Fisherman and plastic fishing, let’s take a look at a couple of ways to inspire your young students to join the fight against plastic pollution and become plastic fishermen themselves.

Photo Credits by: IG ©plasticfisherman

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