Science & Research

New Heaven Reef Conservation Program

Koh Tao - Thailand
  • Main problem:
    Human impact on coral reefs
  • Subproblem:
    Climate change, coral bleaching
  • Consequence:
    Development of solutions
  • Solution:
    Education and certification program to spread the knowledge of reef conservation and restauration

New Heaven Reef Conservation Program

The New Heaven Reef Conservation Program (NHRCP) was founded in 2007 by Conservation Diver founder Chad Scott, New Heaven Dive School manager Devrim Zahir and owner p'Kaen Zahir, to teach divers about coral reef ecology, research, and restoration. We believe that the people most closely connected to the reef should be the ones that care for it, and so are trying to get more and more divers involved in marine education and conservation.  As a for profit business, our focus is on protecting and enriching the coral reefs while providing education and training for those wishing to develop, contribute to, or pursue a career in fields related to marine coastal management and protection. Our program directly contributes to the conservation of Thailand’s coral reefs through research and monitoring, reporting, mitigation, as well as active and passive restoration around the island of Koh Tao. Our education and certification program is designed to give participants a hands-on approach to learning about the coral reef environment and a wide range of research and restoration techniques used by professionals around the world. Participants in our program range from gap year students wanting to learn something new and give back on their holiday, to seasoned dive instructors wanting to learn. The New Heaven Reef Conservation Program is responsible for much of the marine protection or related activities and on-going maintenance around the island of Koh Tao, working closely with the local community and government groups such as the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources and the Department of Fisheries. Students in our program assist on a wide range of our ongoing projects, allowing them to immediately apply and practice the skills learned.

Photo Credits by: ©newheavenreefconservation

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